I offer a range of packages from consultancy to live-in maternity nurse services, offering help and advice with newborns and growing babies.
I will help you understand your baby, give you confidence as a mother and father to guide you into a happier calmer life for you and your baby. Together we will find you the perfect solution!
All the advice shared is from my own findings, what I have found works best for your family and baby.
I can help you settle in with your baby, helping in those early days to get feeding, established with a calm contented baby. As new parents it is important that you get the much needed rest you need, I can take care of the baby at night and support with more daytime structure if needed.
Every family is different and I will support your individual needs. This could be living in with you day and night, just night shifts or online or telephone support. I can be your virtual Maternity Nurse if you don’t have the space for me as a Maternity Nurse in person.
I will then find the solution that suits yourselves the baby and your family.
As an experienced maternity nurse I find myself supporting and mentoring others in this profession. I would love to help them make the changes and guide them to take care themselves so that they can help take care of the families and babies.
The intention for these module are for you to acknowledge your purpose and skills for being a Maternity Nurse.
*All purchases are non-refundable.
Purchase all the modules for Awareness and transformation program at a discounted price.
I take pride in delivering a calm and gentle approach when it comes to support and guidance for all new parents. Here are just a few words of kindness from the lovely Mums I have worked with.